Oogway Ascends
Hans Zimmer
about 1 year ago | by: Kyle Gill
by: Kyle Gill
about 1 year ago
From one of the most comic movies, comes one of the most moving lessons on living through fluctuations of ascent and descent
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The movie Kung Fu Panda teaches charming morals about accepting one for who they are, rather than finding reasons to compare and hold everyone to a perceived ideal that may or may not hold any water. The protagonist of the film, Po, finds himself more and more frustrated with his inability to measure up to his role models who fail to accept him. Master Oogway, a sage teacher of Po's tells him "you are too concerned with what was, and what will be". Oogway encourages Po to live and focus on now, rather than living shackled by who he was or who he's expected to be by others. Later, before his death, Master Oogway urges his friend Master Shifu to let go of the "illusion of control". Oogway Ascends teaches this principle with a gentle flowing up and down of the Dizi flute. Just like the message Oogway carries, he takes the variations of life and moves with them, carrying his undying optimism with him at all times, not attempting to force or control the inputs of his life, but adjusting it to determine its outputs.

In times of blustering winds and unforeseen misfortune, it's only ever enough to ride the ascents and follow the descents to their conclusion, rather than fight them into a rigidity that they aren't meant to comply with.

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Matt Maeson
A Dark Knight
Hans Zimmer

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